Tuesday, September 3, 2013

First Homework Assignment In Economics

Go to http://brokenwindow13.blogspot.com/

There are two parts to this assignment.
1. Write a comment to this post that answers the question below in a meaningful way.

2. comment on somebody else's comment. DUE Friday, September 6th.

Why are economists always talking about money and wealth?


  1. To answer this question objectively, let's first observe what the study of economics is. Economics is the "the branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth" as stated by the Oxford Dictionaries website. The people in society who receive this wealth can obtain more goods and necessities.By gaining an excess of this capital, we create margin which in turn forms societies. In order to have a flourishing nation, we must have this hierarchy of wealth. Economists, therefore, speak of money and wealth because it's what determines the success of both nations and individuals.

    1. I hope this is graded on completion.

    2. To add to what John was saying about how it affects nations and individuals, the state of the economy can have not just a monumental effect on the success of an individual/nation based on quality of life, success career wise, or being a force in the global economy/market, but also on the dynamics between others. An example of this is the 'have vs. have nots' situation in which there is a group that is so wealthy and holds such a large percentage of the wealth, while others are struggling just to make ends meet. This can cause polarization within a society and make divide a nation rather uniting it.

    3. What Caroline is saying is totally true. If one group in a society has more money, they tend to utilize there power over the group that has less power. This creates a massive division that is sometimes hard to see past

    4. Very well worded and also talks the societies that we see so often today with the pyramid of wealth, so above and beyond on the answer. Good job!

    5. Why does there need to be a hierarchy of wealth for the nation to flourish? Wouldn't it be equally good if everyone had about the same amount of wealth? It would be more fair. I don't know much about it, but it seems like that's the difference between capitalism and communism. Communism is about making sure everything is shared so everyone has about the same amount of wealth. I really like this idea, but I guess it has never been successful. I would like to learn why that is in this class.

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  3. Economists jobs deal with money which is what makes things happen in trade

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  4. Jasmine Humbert Per 7
    From my understanding, economics is the study of the transfer of wealth (which has a lot to do with money) so it's only logical that people who study economics would be speaking of such things. I hope that answers the question.

    1. They are trying to find new ways to circulate money and wealth into society to improve the economy.

  5. Gabi Green p.8
    Economists study the distribution of products and goods and how it affects the area of their interest. To produce or distribute any products requires a lot of wealth, so economists would have to take money into account when analyzing that region.

    1. Evelyn roozee per 5
      I agree with you gabi that they talk about money because it greatly effects how many products and goods that area receives.

  6. Caroline Fenty Per 3
    Economists are always talking about money and wealth because they study the production, distribution and consumption of good and services in our society which make up the economy and are closely related to the transfer of wealth. This is also a very common and well discussed topic because of the ethics that go along with the economic system and transfer and balance of wealth, because of the questions of equity and who gets what and why that always follow when money is involved.

    1. I agree, Economists study the balance of wealth.

    2. I agree that economists are always talking about money and wealth because they study the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services simply because that's the job of an economist

    3. Thanks for putting this simply, I agree with you.

    4. I agree with your definition and that it is a common household topic because money and wealth is such an important topic in our society.

  7. Money is what fuels economies. Money can be the reason an economy thrives or the reason it falls. Money makes the world go round.

    "When I was young I thought that money was the most important thing in life; now that I am old I know that it is."

    - Oscar Wilde

    1. I agree with your statement. I believe that what is fueling our society is money, and money is obviously related to wealth. Our whole lives have and always will revolve around it and economists are important people that have complete control over our future.

    2. While any physicist can tell you that your third sentence is a lie, the first two are entirely correct. In a currency-based society, money is very important.

  8. Bailey Douglas p.3
    Economists study the ways society uses labor, land, and machinery to produce goods and services. Economists are always talking about money and wealth because thats their job. Our lives revolve around money and the wealthiness of society. Wars have been fought over money, and protestors have carried out riots against the unfairness of our social rankings revolving around the wealthiness of people. Really economists are the ones to blame for these incidents because they are the ones who are make decisions surrounding our money. We should be concerned if economists weren't always talking about money and wealth because they are the ones controlling what happens with our money.

    1. I agree with your statement because money does control our world and without money we wouldn't be where we are today.

    2. I agree that money does fully control our world. In first world countries (America, England, etc.) we no longer produce almost all of our goods. America is in debt because we import more goods than we export. Since bartering is no longer a useful form of exchange, money now is the center of our world.

      (Marjorie Sheiman, Period 8)

    3. I do not agree with this statement because economists do not call the shots they in fact, study the ones made by you the consumer it is the people of a society who make the decisions around money not economists.

      Ransom Gravatt
      Period 5

    4. I think ransom is right about this. the consumer is the one with all the power in our society. without the consumer, money would have no meaning. The only thing economists do is study the flow of money

  9. Economists are always talking about money and wealth because money and wealth is the basis to our economy. Without money and wealth there would be no economy and our country is at a high risk of falling apart.

    1. I agree Max. Without money, you wouldn't have an economy. If there was no money that all, there would be no jobs and nothing would getting done making it a hot topic!!

      Sam Lerner p.3

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I disagree with the statement that money is necessary in today's society. As long as there is interaction between people, and with that the exchange of goods, there will always be an "exchange rate", or values associated with objects. Whether this value is interpreted as "one sheep is worth two ducks" or "one sheep is worth $20", there will always be interpreted values that are necessary for exchange of goods, which is a fundamental part of survival in today's globalized world of individualized professions.

      Cameron Bennett, Period 7

    4. I agree. When I looked up the word economy, the first synonym that came up with google's definition was the word "wealth," further supporting the connection.

      -Lauren Kinnucan, Period 8

    5. I don't really agree with the statement that you need to have money to have an economy. There is such thing as a free trade economy where money is not used and that is a perfectly fine economy.
      Period 7

  10. (from period 5)
    As the field of economics is basically the study of the transfer of goods and services (wealth), it makes sense that, as we're in a currency-based age, economists would be interested in money.

    1. This comment suggests that you can only be wealthy if you posses a great deal of money. Wealth is having an abundance of possessions, which includes knowledge, or money.

    2. I am with you Scarlet. Value is subjective and includes many non-tangible things just as you suggest.

  11. I think the answer is fairly simple. Someone has to talk about and study how money and wealth affect our lives, and we call those people economists. Its just a matter of terminology.
    -Nes Cohen, Period 7

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. A very good minimalist answer. That's really all it comes down to. Someone has to master and direct the exchange of goods (one of which is money -> wealth) to keep our globalized economy stable.

      Cameron Bennett, Period 7

  12. Economists are always conversing about wealth because economics is a general branch in social sciences that deals with understanding production, expansion, and consumption of goods and/or material that are essential to humans. To keep the economy running smoothly, requires vast amounts of money, and economists study the flow of money to understand the economy and its future.
    Carley Stultz, 8th per

    1. I agree with this statement, it's economists job to study the way of money, and they help are economy run smoothly.

  13. Because this economy is based on money and won't function without it therefore economists would talk about it a lot. Also, because the economy is doing so poorly and in great debt the economists would talk about it a lot because of this reason and it's probably the main point of discussion at the moment. If we don't fix the debt problem, then our economy will surely fail.

    1. I agree with the first statement that our economy is based on money. However, I do not believe that the economy will suddenly fail if we don't fix our debt problem. We have been functioning our economy for many years with this debt problem but it will not just fail if things remain the same. Although, if the debt begins to get much worse, then I believe the economy will go down with the debt.

      Athena Trames period 7

    2. Sam Lerner speaks the truth. Totally agree

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. In a most basic sense, economists study the economy, which is directly related to the wealth of a nation, and therefore, money. However, often economists do not talk about the money or wealth of an individual, but rather, that of a larger entity, such as a corporation or a country. Economists are regarded as experts, so it makes sense that they would frequently discuss key components of their field, wealth and money.

    -Lauren Kinnucan, Period 8

    1. I appreciate that you included something more than merely an individual. Mentioning a country, nation, or bigger entity expresses how money and wealth are shown in a larger view than just what an individual seeks or desires.

      (Shayan Chishti, Period 7)

  16. The "economy" is in essence simply the exchange of items that define wealth, i.e. money and goods. So it is only logical that economists would discuss money and wealth.

    Cameron Bennett, Period 7

    1. That statement in undeniably true, but there must be a reason why we need economists to do so. In my opinion, they exist because in our developed world the quality of our lives depends on who has the money. Without them, there would be no basis for exchange.

      Adin Becker, Period 5

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. @Adin Becker
      I don't necessarily agree with what you said about needing economists. The way we currently trade was created by economists and needs them to keep it going, but imagine if no one had ever thought to study the economy. I think the world would be fine.
      -Nes Cohen, period 7

    4. Good point Nes but I was very specefic when I said in 'our developed world'.

      Adin Becker, period 5

  17. An economist's job is to monitor current economic trends and use them to determine how money will and should circumnavigate the world. It requires them analyzing what consumers have wanted, how consumer attitudes are changing, and where consumers are in order to make predictions on where people should invest and what countries and places will have economic success. As an economist's job description entails monitoring wealth, it is therefore redundant to ask why one would talk about it.

    1. I agree. Of course economists are going to talk about wealth and money, as their whole job revolves around it.

  18. Google defines economics as "the branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth." Money and wealth are exactly what economists study in the field of economics. Money funds the production of goods, which the consumers buys with money, and then the consumers' wealth is transferred to those who produce the goods. It only makes logical sense that the economists talk about money and wealth. After all, you would expect an architect to talk about buildings and structures: their field of study, not sports or pop culture. Wouldn't you expect an economist to also talk about their field of study?

    (Marjorie Sheiman, Period 8)

    1. PART 2-Period 5_Eugene Lee
      *comment on somebody else's comment. DUE Friday, September 6th.
      Exactly what I said in terms of the definition of an economists. However, it is common for people in certain job fields to "explore" other options (Just my opinion). Other than that, it is usually common for people to stay in their field of study!

    2. I completely agree. It is self evident that economists would be discussing the flow of wealth. They play a very vital role in society which is sometimes overlooked.

      (John Vergis, Period 5)

  19. Economists talk about money and wealth because that is what they study. They think it's important to know how money works.

    Nikki Parmley 8th Period

    1. I agree with this, but I would say 'they know' its important instead of 'they think' because in todays society money pretty much runs and controls everone and everything

  20. In an economy based primarily on the exchange of money for goods and services, it makes complete sense that economists would fixate on the topic of wealth and money.


    1. I agree because money is the thing we use to buy things which is very important to the economy and to economics


  21. The reason economists talk about wealth and money is these two subjects are different, but relate to each other. People don't need money in order to be wealthy. People can be wealthy in other ways, such as knowledge, agriculture, and with whatever you find personally desirable. Money is considered an asset and a liability, since you can posses it, but also be in debt. Money creates jobs if there is a popular demand for good or service.

  22. I believe that economists always talk about money and wealth because our society greatly revolves around those two subjects. It plays a big role on how the community acts towards many ideas and without it, our society would be something entirely different.

    1. I agree. I think that money regulates our society, and keeps order.

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  24. Alie Williams p. 8

    An economist's profession is to study topics such as prices, jobs, taxes, interest rates, or money and the banking system. Therefore, it makes sense for them to talk about money and wealth frequently.

  25. Economists are always talking about money and wealth, because their job is to study how a society uses their resources. They're studying the costs and benefits happening in the society, therefore they are talking about money and wealth a lot.

    Courtney Fishbaugh Period 5

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  27. The reason why economists frequently talk about money and wealth is because they are two crucial factors in the economy. Without money and wealth, the economy would not be able to exist as it is its structure, however money also is the cause of corruption all over the world, and have been a huge reason for inequality throughout history. Wealth is a common point of discussion for economists in terms of how it is distributed and used, and it applies to many different situations.

    Alex McVey
    Period 3

    1. I agree with this comment in the sense that the money corrupts the system in the economy, but it is also vital to its prosperity.

  28. PART 1-Period 5_Eugene Lee
    Q: Why are economists always talking about money and wealth?
    A: The definition of an economist's profession is, "the branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth." Knowing this, it makes sense for an economist to talk about money and wealth because it is their job.

  29. Economist talk about money and wealth because money is a main part of our society and although wealth also has to do with money, they are different. Everyone can make money but not everyone is wealthy, in fact most people aren't wealthy and there are a lot of families at, or below the poverty line. Even though money and wealth are different, they go almost hand in hand dealing with the study of our economy, proving why economist talk about those two subjects frequently
    Athena Trames Period 7

  30. The reason people grow up, succeed academically, and get a good job is because everyone wants to make money and be one of the few wealthy. In economy, money and wealth make the system. Without money and wealth the economy would be just an idea but it would have no reason.

    Grant McElroy
    Period 7

    1. I agree with the philosophy that money and wealth is what everyone strives for through life, and it is what forms the economy. However, I am curios as to why this applies to economists often discussing it as a topic?

    2. I agree with this statement because money and wealth are the incentives that drive people to go further and try to succeed in life in order to attempt and be one of the few wealthy people.

  31. Economists are always talking about money and wealth because they believe that it is important to understand how the transfer of money affects our society.

    Quinn Reed
    Period 3

  32. Asking why economists are always talking about wealth and money is like asking "why do doctors always talk about medicine?" or "why do lawyers always talk about the law?" It is an economist's job to know the ins and outs of production, consumption, and transfer of wealth and that is why they always talk about it.

    1. I agree that it is their job, and to add on: perhaps also it is their *interest* in finding out how exactly transfer of wealth affects people's daily lives. Their interactions, their cellphone bills, psychological reasons for them buying something but not something else...

      Yiling Liu

  33. Economists talk about wealth because nearly everyone wants to have some wealth, and do what they can to get it. This drives people to make money in a job, making things for others to buy with their wealth. Money makes up the system that is an economy, and more money means more wealth.

    Dan Forsland, Period 5

  34. Our economy is built on wealth and lack of it. Our entire society thrives on waiting for their next paycheck, and being able to afford things we don't need is something to be excited about. If economists didn't talk about money, their jobs wouldn't make sense.

    1. I agree with your comment about our economy being built on wealth and the lack of it. However, it is not only built on wealth, but also the exchange of goods and services.

      Mckenzie Hutchinson Period 3

  35. Megan Godsby p3
    Economist are always talking about money and wealth because that is the base of the economy. The more money and goods that one country has the wealthier it is. The job of the economist is to figure out what is happening with our economy and international economies. Each countries is linked to the next. The more powerful the country the better the economy, in most situations. The US for example is a very wealthy country, but without the support of many other world economies (manly China) we would be underwater. China and the US share many goods. Together they co-exist. The better one country does it tends to positively effect the other. Economists look at the ups an downs in the way money is spent and saved to help figure out how citizens will do financially this year or the next in hopes of saving us from recessions or depressions.

    1. I completely agree with this statement, it's worded very well.

  36. Economists are always talking about money and wealth because that is what our economy is made of. Economics is the study of the distribution of goods and money, so you can't talk about money and goods without talking about wealth.

    Mckenzie Hutchinson, Period 3

    1. This is true because the flow of money is based on the distribution of goods.

      Morgan Matthews, period 3

  37. Economists are constantly talking about money and wealth simply because that's there job. Its what economy is built of. They are constantly analyzing the flow of money based on the flow of goods, in and out of our country.

    Morgan Matthews, Period 3

  38. To my knowledge, economists, care about the economy. The economy is very much effected by the wealth of the country, and wealth, has very much to do with money. So, it would make sense that economist talk about things they care about(the economy, which has lots to do with money)

    1. I completely agree with this. Economists job is to watch the economy which deals with money and wealth it is natural that they would often worry about money and wealth.

  39. Alex Maciocco per.3
    I beleive that the reaason why economists are always talking about money and wealth is because without money there is no incentive for people to trade goods or get jobs and stimulate a growing economy. Without money there is no reason to work and with no reason to work comes the inevitable downfall of an economy.

    1. I think that a economy without money is possible simply because you could trade goods for goods instead of using money as a place holder.

    2. i agree with alex. without wealth and money the world would be more chaotic. money helps people stay intact with their jobs, and work harder, knowing that they will gain something for it.

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  43. Benito Marcus: Period 5

    The job of the economist involves studying the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth, whether that be in the currency used today, or other items of value. Money and wealth are key components of the economists job because they analyze the usage of money and the wealth of others, therefore it wouldn't be a surprise if they were to talk about money and wealth.

  44. Money and wealth are often spoken about by economists because they are the leading factors of our worlds structure in society. Without money there is no order. Because money is so important, and wealth means the possession "more" money, or value, it is significant. They are the main subjects of the economy.

    1. I agree that without economists, there would be no structure to society pertaining to currency. It would lead to less control and order of countries as time went on.

  45. Evelyn roozee per 5
    Economist often talk about money and wealth because the economy is based on the production and consumption of goods and serivices of a region. These things directly correlate with money and the wealth of a region. If the area has high production of goods and low consumption then often they will be richer while if they have a low production of goods and a high consumption they are more likely to be less wealthy.

    1. I agree, if economists didn't know or discuss money and wealth of an area they wouldn't be able to find patterns or trends in the market place of that area since both wealth and money have direct correlations to how an economy runs.

  46. today in class we talked about the definition of economics. This definition was the examination of how people use their resources to satisfy there unlimited wants. And what are our wants, a new tv, car or a bigger house? Money is the way that a person would acquire these so called "unlimited wants", because of this money is a large part of economics and the economic system that we use today.

  47. Ben Hardy per. 8
    Economists use money and wealth as measurements of how profitable a business is. Being able to measure profitability allows them to access how it benefits the local economy.

    1. This post is similar to mine, and I definitely agree. It is a way to measure success or compete.

  48. The reason that economists talk about money and wealth is because that is what the study of economics is. Economists study the behavior related to the exchange of goods and services, money and wealth is central to the dynamic of that behavior. Without this study there would be no structure to-- or any currency in the U.S. or other countries around the world.

    1. I think this is a very accurate description of the job of economists. In addition, it describes why exactly the study of nation wide economics, as well as world wide economics, are necessary in a functioning society. (Lauren Knox per.8)

    2. I agree that money is central to economics. I would like to add that I think good... even great, economists are able to take these numbers (money), and make sense of them. Find out what they mean, what they're determined by, as well as why they're important to everyday life.

  49. I think that if economics are defined as the "social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services", then it makes sense that economists talk about money and wealth. The goods and services that are being provided are only being distributed because the people that are distributing them are doing it for the money. I think that the economy circulating is closely tied with the people's need to expand their wealth. This is why the economists talk about money and wealth, because it is the people's desire to obtain it that runs the economy.

    Asha Abrams
    per 7

    1. I agree that the distribution of goods is entirely supported by the need for money. In a generalized sense, every aspect of any business or industry is propelled by this personal need for money. This then causes the subject of money and wealth to arise often in economists daily conversation and business.

      Olin Vetterlein
      Period 3

  50. Lauren Knox per.8
    Economists use money and wealth as ways to measure the success of companies and countries.The ways in which success are measured in today's culture is power and money. Power is hard to define and almost impossible to measure. Money is a monetary unit which is easy to count and thereby and easier way to determine the success of a nation or company.

    1. I think that you make a really good point about money showing success. Money is such an important player in how the world runs and how we determine what people have accomplished.

      Abigail Meskimen P.3

  51. Taylor Brouwers
    Period 5

    Economists are always talking about money and wealth because somebody has to. It's a huge part of our way of living, so somebody has to pay attention to it. That's what Economists do.

  52. Madeline Cannon
    Period 3

    I liked the second definition we read in class today: Economics is the study of how people use their scarce resources to satisfy their unlimited wants. At first I thought they shouldn't assume that everyone has unlimited wants, but I realized that everyone who participates in the economy does. If you buy something, you obviously want it, and if you sell something, you obviously want money. If you work, you want money. If you were just working because you loved your job and you didn't care about the money, you would do it for free. I also liked how it said resources instead of money, because economics isn't just about money. But money is the most organized way we use resources, so it is the easiest to study. That is why economics mainly focuses on money: it is the most basic way to organize how we trade resources.

  53. To answer this question you need to understand what the economy is and what it is based around. The economy is primarily built on and around money income and output. It is important how much money we are spending in comparison to how much money we are gaining. With that understanding you may see how being a wealthy person in this structure allows you to have more power. This is why economists talk about money and wealth.

    1. Very well worded Joe, you have a really interesting point of view

  54. Olin Vetterlein
    Period 3

    Economists tend to talk about money and wealth frequently, due to the fact that the markets contributing to our amounted wealth are ever-changing. This means that economists can always have something new to talk about! In addition to this, wealth/money is extremely desirable to the majority of the world. Something with that much significance needs to be discussed frequently.

  55. Economists often talk about money and wealth as they’re both main structures of our society and economy today. Economists focus on these two subjects as they hold the answers and reasoning to certain things that happen. For example, they may study why governments and people behave in different or certain ways. These can both relate to money and wealth, as they are critical parts of both people and governments.
    As it is their job, if economists weren’t studying money and its transfer, I would assume that something is wrong. Economists are to ensure that they maintain financial stability. A large portion of their job is to seek out how to maximize productivity, and spread wealth in any form. Overall, answers can be found by studying and talking about money and the wealth that can grow.

    (Shayan Chishti, Period 7)

    1. I think you made a good point in recognizing how not only is the economy important to our society, but those who study it and understand it play a critical role as well.

      -Sarah Van Emmerik Period 7

    2. I agree that they are a critical part of people and our government. They hold a very necessary position focusing on maintaining our financial order.

      (Sarah Sprecher, period 3)

  56. Economists are always talking about money and wealth because that is mostly what economics deals with. When you look up economics one definition that comes up is "financial considerations". So economics is considering and dealing with finance which is basically money and wealth.

    1. I agree with you. Money plays a vital role in our lives, so it would make sense to have someone observe this. It structures/organizes our society a bit better.

  57. Emily Murray Period 5
    An economists job is to basically predict and analyze market activity and trends. The market relies almost entirely on consumers and their buying habits. This involves money and wealth, as they play a major role in what and when consumers will buy. And being specialist in the economy economists have to know a great deal about an areas money or wealth to predict where it will be spent or not spent and how it will effect the economy.

    1. I think that you make a good point. I agree with when you said consumers' buying is what the market relies on, and I think the sellers' want of more wealth is what drives the economy and the spread of the wealth.
      Asha Abrams
      per 7

  58. Economists often talk about money and wealth because it is part of their job, but also because it is a way to keep score. As is with many things, how financially successful one person is relative to another person has become a competition for many. And what better way is their to compare and compete than to talk about it?

  59. Abigail Meskimen Period 3

    Economists work to find which companies and countries are succeeding or failing based on there distributions of resources and goods. The amount of resources, which can include money, are one of the ways to see the wealth that the country or company has. Both money and wealth therefore play a big part when studying the economy.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Sarah Van Emmerik Period 7

    Economists discuss wealth and money because the economy is a vital part of our society. Whether the economy is for a specific country, or the world, people in general rely on money to function. Even before currency, people were trading and making agreements, it's how we operate and coexist. We need economists to deal with any issues we come across, so we maintain a sense of order.

  62. Economists talk about money and wealth because it is a huge important role in society today and to track the movement of money and wealth is the basis of everything we do in life today. No one wants to grow up to be homeless or living in the woods.

    1. I completely agree with Jay, money is so essential to the modern world as it is the main way to trade and receive goods. Money is the showing of importance in the world and the more you have of it the more importance you show.

  63. I agree with Rakiyah because economics pretty much is just the production of goods and consumption and the movement of money and somebody should know something about it.

  64. Page Kioschos p 5
    Economics is the study of money and wealth, so it's usual for economists to talk about it. Economists talk about it a great deal because it's important to them, and they want to spread information.

  65. Economists talk about money and wealth for one reason and one reason only, our global economy is based around money and substansial investment. In our society today money is one of the, if not most important things and everyone can work for and earn it, but not everyone can be wealthy. Being wealthy in todays world is the showing of importance in our society. This is why economists talk about money and wealth as they are so important in our modern world.

    Tim Edmonds Period 7

    1. I agree with Tim, money is the most important thing anyone can work for and is needed to live. Wealth shows power, power shows importance.

    2. And I agree with Gabriel, money is completely essential to our lifestyles.

  66. Reilly Johnson P.5

    Economists talk about money and wealth because it is the base of our society and having money and wealth shows that a person has succeeded.

  67. Economists are always talking about money because the current global economy is indeed the systematic exchange of paper and metal coins. It is also their job and or interest to discuss this.

    -Ransom Gravatt
    Period 5

    1. I Agree Ransom, it is very closely related to their occupation.

  68. Gabriel Barnatan P.8

    Economists talk about money and wealth so much because it is the base of the global economy. Having money and wealth not only shows ones importance, but simply is necessary to live.

  69. Kerewyn durkee, period 8
    The economy is the part of a government or society that has to do with money and wealth and status. Its economists jobs to keep everything understandable and under control. If they didn't talk about money and wealth they wouldn't have much to talk about.

  70. Thomas Rice

    Economists talk about money and wealth because that is the basics of economics. While our economy is a compilation of many scarce resources, money is the most sought after and economists job is to look at the movement of money within our economic system.

  71. Colby Aley - p.5

    Economists talk about money and wealth because it is the heart of our economy, something measurable only by money and wealth. We measure our economy using dollar signs, similar to how we, for better or worse- measure someone's success with dollar signs. There are different opinions on how important it _should_ be, but for the most part money plays a large role (in our society) in measuring things- economies, people, companies, etc.

  72. Rachel Lutz P. 5

    Economists talk a lot about money and wealth because it is an essential part of our economy. Money and wealth play a huge role in the world economy as well, making it absolutely relevant and necessary to the topic of economics.

  73. Economists talk about money and wealth because ecomics is the study off mankind and their ordinary business of life. In the modern day and age wealth and money run the world, the economists are the ones who can see the world in the way it really is

    1. I agree, they look at the effects of how money and wealth ultimately runs the world and the major effects it has on our daily lives.

  74. Economists talk about money and wealth because it is an essential part of our current society and it is their job to keep our economy under control so we can be able to fulfill our needs. Because they are an important part of our system, our economy would be in danger if they weren't present.

    (Sarah Sprecher, period 3)

    1. I agree, but I don't know if economists protect our economy so much as inform us what's happening in it.

    2. I completley agree what your saying!

    3. I agree. Money and wealth is incredible important to us nowadays and is essential to fueling our economy.

  75. Economists talk about money and wealth because in economy you study the effects of money and examine how people use their scarce resources in order to get their unlimited wants.
    (Cassidy Aiello, P.3)

  76. So they can learn how to spend money for different places and wealth is when you try to keep your money safe.
    (Ryan Kelley, P. 8)

    1. Taylor Brouwers Period 5

      I do not understand why you are saying wealth is when you try to keep your money, your wealth is what you have and that is what you want to keep safe.

  77. I assume they do because money is the center of any nations well being. It displays a nation's power and status, as well its peoples. I guess it's important to observe how money is used and where it goes since it plays a vital role in our lives.
    (Jasmine Gonzalez p.7)

  78. our world economics in my opinion revolves around money and wealth as it begins to affect Americans life's, where money is power in our society and the wealthey begin to take over our society.

  79. I believe the reason economists are always talking about money and wealth is because often times many decisions people make in their day to day lives is based around making or managing money.People may decide to buy a certain product because it is cheaper. Then that product they decided to buy can affect the rest of their day to day lives and decisions they make.

    1. Garrett Cheadle
      Period 8
      Yes i do agree with the "All things being equal" affect, that when there are two products that are the same but one is cheaper, you get the cheaper one. But what about product loyalty? If one computer is a Mac, and the other is a PC but proven to be the same some would choose the Mac because they wish to be accepted into a social group that buying a Mac can get you.

    2. Will Holmes
      Period 5
      I agree with the point made about how many- if not most- decisions made throughout a day to day basis are based around money, but if an economist is studying the economy, why would the decisions people make during daily life concerning money influence what the economist is talking about?

  80. I agree with jasmine (p.7) in that wealth displays a countrys state. If a large population of the country is poor, then its obvious that the country has a poor economy. If a large amount of people within a nation are wealthy, it displays the success of said nation.

    (conrad garrison p.7

  81. Matthew Reynolds, Period 8
    Economics: the science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, or the material welfare of humankind. The way our modern capitalist society is set up, everything, especially goods and services revolves around money. This means that everything economists study, from production to consumption ties directly into how money flows through our society.

  82. Yiling Liu
    per. 7

    Economists are always talking about money and wealth because a big part of how humans interact with each other is through money. The flow of money from one person to the other determines or influences factors like social status. Also, as we learned in class, anything that costs more than 0 is considered to be in scarcity. Examples of things that cost 0 (in Portland OR) are air and most oftentimes, sunlight. However, most other things are considered to be scarce, and because of it, have a cost to it, whether monetarily speaking or a choice we have to make or abjure.

  83. Garrett Cheadle
    Period 8

    Economists are always talking about money and wealth because money and wealth are what allow humans to do the everyday activities in life. People who have more money and are wealthy, are able to fulfill their endless wants. Also Economists are to study the economy which is driven by money.

  84. Serena Zafiris
    Period 3

    To put it simply, economists study money and wealth because it is what drives our economy. They study how we produce and distribute basic human necessities. Money and wealth is the core thing that fuels our economy.

    1. I completely agree, that's why people say our economy is in the toilet, we have over a 16 trillion dollar debt

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. Period 7

    Economists are always talking about economy and wealth because our society puts a lot of value in being rich, wealthy, etc. Having money, wealth, translates to being more successful in our modern world.

  87. Economists study the economy. The economy is made up of money. Wealth is synonymous with having money. Therefore economist study money and wealth. Because they study it they talk about it.

  88. I think the reason economists are always talking about money and wealth is because the economy is essentially just money, and the wealth of society. It is an economists job to study the economy, therefore they talk about money and wealth, which defines the economy.

  89. No matter what the interpretation or definition of economics being used, most of the time, it includes the usage, manipulation, and scarcity of material wealth and resources. The definition already once used by this class was "Economics examines how people use their scarce resources to satisfy their unlimited wants". Since most people and society defines success as material and manipulable wealth, its exchange and scarcity is a measure of how much power one holds and how much one can influence. If there was no competition to measure against or try and beat, then there would be no attempt at the creation of a science that studies it. Either to do so to try and gain ground or succeed themselves or just for knowledge's sake, economists give others easier ways to learn how to manipulate and take advantage of the situation and structure in order to easily succeed through common previous pathways already taken by others.

  90. Period 7

    Money is used as a resource, which helps to drive supply and demand. If there is a low supply of a product, but a high demand in our economy, a high price is placed on that product. If we supply more of a product, than is being demanded the price of the product will fall. The economy relies upon the supply and demand of consumers, money helps society obtain their wants and needs in exchange for labor. Wealth is used to measure how well the economy is doing, if there is more money being made from the economy, more people are going to be wealthy. Money and wealth is how we study the economy.

    1. Excellent insight Coby I completely agree with you!

  91. Period 7

    Money and Wealth is important to economics because it decides every aspect of their study. Money is such an important resource that it affects parts of every day life and is a direct result of all human activity. When economists study production and consumption of goods money is a key factor in deciding these things. Wealth is simply the measurement of valuable resources and is important to economics for measuring growth.

  92. Economists always talk about money and wealth because it is their job.Money fuels the economy, and success economically can dictate the failure or the success of a nation.
    Jack Henjum
    Period 8

  93. Because that's what the study of economics is.

  94. Economists, are always talking about money and wealth because that is what they study. They see how the economy reacts to different situations. They also predict what will happen in the future with our economy. They also look at how wealth effects people and the economy. Wealth and money are the two main things that Economists study and look at the most.
    Period 7

  95. Economists are always talking about wealth because they that is what they are interested in. They spend hours a day studying how the economy changes over time and reacts to different technological and social advances. They also try and predict these changes to benefit the companies or people they work for.
    Period 5
